Tuesday, 14 May 2013

IR for Apple Space Designer, AGAIN!

Da crew!
Ok, let's go outside the Molen Lab for a while, guys!

Due to the success gained yesterday with the Vermona experiment, today my Conservatory mates, the producer Fabrizio Barale and me decided to play with our school's rooms and environments in order to record other impulse responses and create other custom Space Designer presets.
Our classrooms have the great disadvantage of being huge, quite empty and located in an attic with concrete walls and floor tiles, then extremely reverberant. Terrible when you work and record, but great for the reverberations! The results were astonishing.

Gear: Apple iMac, KRK VXT8, RME Fireface800, a pair of Schoeps condenser microphones (Colette series with cardioid and omni capsules). We used a mono source (one VXT8) to play the sweep and the stereo pair of Schoeps to record it.

We ended with the 6 different presets I'll describe here below.

CAVE CLOSE. AB miking with microphones about 3 meters far from the source and 5 meters far from each other. 1 meter high from the ground.

CAVE FAR. Source and microphones at opposite ends of the room along its longest side, mikes quite higher from the ground than in the previous set (about 2 meters). Distance between mikes: unchanged.

CAVE FURTHER BOTTOM. As the previous one but with the mikes pointing to the ground and really close to it (low frequencies boost).

Metal Furniture.
METAL FURNITURE APOCALYPSE. We took an empty metal wardrobe, put it in front of the speaker (4 meters far from it) and put the mikes into it, one in the upper left and the other in the lower right.

METAL FURNITURE APOCALYPSE EXTREME. The same as the previous one but with glass doors closed. (Surprising result!)

THE ROOF IS ON FIRE - WIDE VERB. We recorded this one in the corridor with speaker in the middle and microphpones at opposite ends, about 15 meters far from the source. This time we used omni capsules. Great wide reverb this one, but unfortunately louder on the right side.


You can download all the presets from this link, for free:

Hope you like it! Remember: if you use these reverbs in your productions, please don't forget to put our name in the credits list!

Monday, 13 May 2013

VERMONA Spring Reverb IR for Apple Space Designer

One month ago I purchased the awesome Vermona Retroverb Lancet, a rich analog spring reverb ...and much more.
Today I decided to make three presets for the Apple Space Designer convolution reverb to recreate perfectly the sound of the vintage reverb into the well known Logic Pro plug-in .
I used the Impulse Response Utility to record a sweep passing through the Retroverb and I did that three times using three different positions of the "spring tone" knob: dark, mid and bright.
It's been easy and quick to do the deconvolution and load the result into Space Designer.

The three presets can be downloaded for free from this link: www.sergiobertani.com/molen/vermona_retroverb_SDIR.zip
You'll get a zip file including all the files you need and a text file with instructions to install the presets correctly.

(and if you REALLY enjoy, please make a PayPal donation at sergio[at]sergiobertani[dot]com)